Christian Funeral Service 基督教殡仪配套从 From RM 15,800 起
Buddhist Funeral Service 佛教殡仪配套从 From RM 20,800 起
Single Burial Land From 单穴风水福地 由 RM 38,900
Double Burial Land From 双穴风水福地 由 RM 59,000
Single Niche From 单位骨灰位由 RM 5,340
Double Niche From 双位骨灰位由 RM 10,040
One Stop Professional Bereavement Care Service
RM100 Million Maintenance Trust Fund
0% Interest Installment Plan 0%利息分期付款
Excellent Feng Shui
风水绝佳 福泽子孙
We Provide Professional One Stop Bereavement Service Including Buddism, Taoism, Christian, Catholic
我们提供专业一站式殡仪服务 (佛教,道教,基督教,天主教) 殡仪服务
Funeral planning is a complex and sensitive matter. Whether as a pre-plan or an immediate need, knowing where to begin and deciding what needs to be done can be daunting for many, especially for those who have never been directly involved in the planning of end-of-life affairs. With over 30 years of experience in providing award-winning bereavement care services and products, Nirvana Asia understands this challenge.
Nirvana Life Plans aim to ensure the funeral planning process be as hassle-free as possible by combining our best services and products in five easy-to-choose pre-arranged plans. The plans come in different price ranges to address every budgetary concern and are suitable for those of the Taoist, Buddhist and Christian faiths. Our Nirvana Life Plans also have customizable elements so that you can personalize according individual needs.
Aside from making the pre-planning easier for our customers through our Nirvana Life Plans, Nirvana Asia has dedicated service personnel in multiple internationally-certified branches nationwide and a wide network of professional authorized agents who are ever-ready to lend a helping hand.
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* Promotions Offer Till 31 January 2025 * 优惠期限延长至 1月31日