An Authorised Agent Code 1337

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Nirvana Agent Wanted / Recruitment


人生没有多少个十年, 没有多少机会可以在人生中错失

所以, 选择对的行业, 做对事是非常关键的

在加入一个销售事业前, 必须考虑以下的3大要素:

  1. 公司的背景与前景

    先分析该公司的背景和稳定性; 再探讨公司领导人的经营理念, 发展理念和前瞻性

    1990年, 富贵集团在创办人丹斯里邝汉光的领导下, 31年来一路直线成长, 创造了不少奇迹, 更做到了 “全亚洲最大殡葬集团” 的伟大梦想. 2014年, 集团更在香港的国际金融舞台上市, 轰动全世界! 未来集团更会不断地开拓新版图和市场. 这, 就是我们的黄金机会!

  2. 产品的市场与行销策略

    一个好的公司除了能让 “产品说话” 之外, 更需要有庞大的市场, 和有效的行销策略支撑. 这样, 我们才能事半功倍.

    此外, 富贵集团的年业绩已突破了7亿马币的天文数字, 但是市场的认购率还不到1%, 也就是说, 其实我们还有99%的庞大市场等待开发! 此外, 在集团一个又一个破天荒的行销策略下, 业绩更是每年都突破新纪录!

  3. 丰厚的佣金计划回酬

    日常生活都建立在金钱之上. 丰厚的佣金虽然重要, 但是我们要用多久的时间去赚取? 如果我们有机会在一年的时间创造更好的人生, 何必去等5年10年?

    富贵集团独特的佣金计划肯定让很多行销界惊讶, 也能给你更坚定的决心去敢于梦想. 在此, 我们有信心让有梦想的你在3到6个月的时间赚取第一桶金!


Nirvana Agent

所谓 “借力使力不费力", 加入一个成功的组织, 复制同样的成功模式, 将能大大减短达到目标和成功的时间, 少走一段又一段的冤枉路. 若你有一个远大的梦想, 我们欢迎你加入 V Life Planning Group 这个冠军大组织!











  1. 稳定的市场需求: 人的生老病死是自然规律,而殡葬服务则是与之相对应的基本需求。这个市场需求是相对稳定和持续的,不受经济周期影响,使得殡葬行业成为一个相对可靠的投资领域。

  2. 低竞争度: 相对于其他行业,殡葬行业的竞争度较低,进入门槛相对较高。这就为那些寻求创业机会的人提供了一个较为封闭的市场,减少了竞争压力,有助于更好地建立和发展自己的事业。

  3. 情感连接和服务个性化: 殡葬服务涉及到家庭、情感和文化等多方面因素,因此,提供个性化、温暖、贴心的服务对于成功经营非常重要。在这个领域,创业者有机会通过贴心的服务与客户建立深刻的情感联系。

  4. 社会责任感: 从事殡葬行业,特别是从事殡仪服务,不仅仅是提供商品和服务,更是为社会提供一种必要的、关乎生死的服务。这种社会责任感可能会为企业赢得更多的社会认可,从而形成有利的品牌形象。

  5. 技术创新和数字化: 当前,一些殡葬企业开始采用技术和数字化手段来改进服务,比如在线纪念馆、虚拟葬礼等。这种创新可以为企业提供在市场上突破的机会,同时满足新一代顾客对服务数字化的需求。

  6. 文化多样性: 殡葬行业涉及到各种文化和宗教习俗,因此,对于跨文化经营和服务的企业来说,这是一个巨大的发展机遇。在全球化的时代,这种文化多样性的考虑可以使企业在更广泛的范围内取得成功。


薪水又被老板cut 真的很难受!又是贷款又是每月费用。。。再不找个办法2024真的要吃草了。


V Life Planning Group 富贵集团全世界冠军军团队提供全方位人生规划服务,目前已有超过10年的顾问经验,栽培了900名++专员(Agent)!
✅ 成为 V Life Planning Group 的一份子工作时间非常自由。完全不会影响你的正业。一个月两份收入,不仅生活压力可以大大减轻,还可以充分满足自己的物质需求!
✅ 无需经验成本。只要你肯学💯,我们就会手把手教你如何轻松Close Sales.
✅ 拥有导师级领导提供细心线上线下教导,帮助你成长以及建立团队
✅ 只需要一部手机就可以开始营业,无论是什么时间点,在什么地点都没问题啦!
PS 位置有限,赶快👇PM👇询问!



Nirvana Asia is one of the best and the largest integrated bereavement care providers in the whole region. Nirvana provides funeral, burial, and cremation services to people all over the country to assist them in overcoming their grief. This leadership position is amplified because Nirvana is the sole fully integrated and the most recognized brand in Malaysia and Singapore.

“People-based, Service Oriented”

Nirvana Asia LTD (富貴生命國際有限公司) (“Nirvana”) is the sole fully integrated bereavement provider in the market. As a pioneer of the bereavement industry, services include providing premium quality burial plotsniches, and tomb design. We also offer construction services in terms of design, landscaping, materials used for building and amenities, site maintenance, and customer services. Our motto is to provide high-quality and reliable funeral services to our clients in Asian countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. We are known for a few things like professionalism, trustworthiness, quality of services and products, and facility maintenance.

Since Nirvana Memorial Park (Semenyih), the first private memorial park set up in 1990, Nirvana Asia LTD now grows up and spread its business through nationwide: Shah Alam, Penang, Bukit Mertajam, Sungai Petani, Melaka,  SegamatKulaiTiram, Kota Kinabalu, Sibu.

And even overseas branches such as Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand, Hong Kong.

由于富贵集团一直不断开伐新的墓园, 生意迅速增长, 现欲征求多位全职或兼职代理

Benefit Of Joining Us as Nirvana Agent !丰厚回酬

✅ Weekly Training provided 每星期开会 提供职业训练

✅ High Commission + Special Incentive 丰厚佣金 + 特别奖励金💰

✅ Fast promotion depends on the performance 升职机会高,最快一个月

✅ Job security and Career Development 就业保障及稳健的职业发展

✅ 5 figure income easily with dedicated and hardwork 只要用心努力就可以有过万收入

Nirvana Agent / Job Requirement 加入条件❗

✅ Age 21 and above (Retire people are also welcomed) 21岁以上,欢迎退休人士 

✅ Mandarin Cantonese English 华语 广东话 英文

✅ No work experience required 无需工作经验

✅ Part time / Full time career 兼职或全职

✅ Must possess own transport 必须备有自己的交通工具

✅ Good interpersonal and communication skills 好的人际关系和沟通能力

Nirvana Agent Recruitment

You should always consider joining the best servicing agency. The best agency would be the one that has simplified recruitment process with benefits and perks for their employee and training to make him/her perfect for their agency.

Nirvana recruitment process is super easy and here we have nirvana vacancy too. So if you are free and looking for a job then go nowhere else than us. We need recruitment agent for nirvana and it’s even fine if you don’t have any experience. We have a team who is working with us from years and we can train you too. In fact, we prefer to hire rookies and train them to suit us perfectly.

Why You Should Consider Joining Nirvana?

Nirvana is a successful agency and definitely it would be ideal for anyone. Also, it will help you in reducing the time to reach out for compliance and achievement alongside chances of making mistakes. If you are really a dreamer then we welcome you to join us as nirvana recruitment agent. This is one of the champion companies so you should not miss the deal.

Here are a few reason for you to consider joining nirvana.

1. Remarkable Achievements:

We as a whole group have earned remarkable achievement. In fact, we are nationwide champions. You should come to us because we are a champion team, our ideology is based on championship and the system of championship. This is the reason we succeed and always planning to succeed. Being nirvana recruitment agent Malaysia will make you successful with us.

2. Good Attention:

We are the one who always pay good attention and cultivate on all our new recruitment agent for nirvana. Following this, we have a big amounts of agents available in our agency. This is the norm that led our agency reach the top most output value on monthly basis.

3. Professional Agency:

Our theorem is that professionals are the ones who cultivate expertise and this is how we attract professional nirvana recruitment agent to join us. We have all the professionals who help the new agents in getting professional.

4. Successful Youth Growth:

We welcome young people to come and join us without even any qualification and experience. We follow effective strategy that help nirvana recruitment agent Malaysia achieving their dreams and goal.

5. Most Cultivated Leaders of The Agency:

Following our strategies we produce all the higher order agency leader. They end up proving a healthy and effective system that is inherited to them.

There are nirvana vacancy for agent available that we need to get filled. So come to us and adhere to all the benefits of nirvana funeral service and perks we offer you.

组织团体照片 Nirvana Agent Team Photos

Free Training For Nirvana Agent

* June 2024 *

* April 2024 *

Contact Us for more information about our promotions.

分行 Branches

–  Klang Valley 巴生谷 –

Nirvana Centre Kuala Lumpur

巴生富贵山庄 Nirvana Klang

Nirvana Memorial Park (Shah Alam)

Nirvana Memorial Garden (Semenyih)

Nirvana Memorial Park (Semenyih)

Nirvana Memorial Center ( (Sungai Besi) / Wisma Nirvana

Contact Us To Know More About Nirvana Products !
联络我们以了解更多富贵配套 !